the best deals at perfume & beauty!
Our discount for Black Week until 27.11.2024
Grums stellt qualitativ hochwertige, nachhaltige Hautpflegeprodukte mit lokalem, biologischem Kaffeesatz her. Wir glauben, dass Hautpflegeprodukte aus einer nachhaltigen Denkweise heraus entwickelt werden können, ohne Kompromisse bei Qualität, Aussehen, Gefühl oder Wirkung einzugehen. Von Anfang an haben Grums und deren Partner in jedem Bereich unserer Wertschöpfungskette dazu gedrängt, genau dies zu fordern. Vom Sammeln des Kaffeesatzes bis hin zur selektiven Auswahl natürlicher, hochwertiger Inhaltsstoffe und nachhaltiger Verpackungen.
Our discount for Black Week until 27.11.2024
Our discount for Black Week until 27.11.2024
Perfume and beauty are our passion. That's why we are always on the lookout for innovative perfumers and their unique creations to present them to you first-hand. Whether it's a light eau de toilette, a long-lasting eau de parfum or an opulent oud fragrance, each fragrance has its own specialty.
As a little inspiration, we present a few of our most exclusive brands of niche fragrances for men and women below:
Pure luxury is not something to be taken for granted. The concept of niche fragrances, which are known for precisely this luxury, is also based on this. The exclusive fragrance compositions are each made from hand-picked ingredients, with the creations coming solely from the perfumer's vision. The special compositions are virtually unique creations that are only available in limited quantities.