Philly & Phill

Philly & Phill

There are encounters that simply change the transition of things, that turn everything upside down and change one’s life. Special moments that make you feel electrified, that, despite their intensity, don’t have a meaning for anyone but the involved parties. If opposites attract each other suddenly when sparks begin to fly and the search for your own counterpart has come to an end all at once. Moments that are so special that diary entries have been dedicated to them. So important that you can see and feel the time and passion that has been put into the transcript of experience just by looking at the ink, the quality of the paper and the carefully written words. Philly & Phill transfers these unique, passionate and emotionally charged moments into irresistible fragrances – Philly & Phill, the creators of the essences of love. Philly & Phill is known for the hungry passion based on electrifying encounters between two people and the associated memories that are so important that they are kept in a diary.

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6 Produkty
Punks in Paradise
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Philly & PhillPunks in Paradise149,24 €
Boudoir Belle
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Philly & PhillBoudoir Belle149,24 €
Romeo on the Rocks
Wkrótce ponownie
Philly & PhillRomeo on the Rocks149,24 €
Midnight on Max Street
Wkrótce ponownie
Philly & PhillMidnight on Max Street151,26 €
Out at the Opera
Wkrótce ponownie
Philly & PhillOut at the Opera189,58 €
Date me in Downtown
Wkrótce ponownie
Philly & PhillDate me in Downtown189,58 €

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