Versatile and so natural - Manuka Honey by ACTIVIST
With antibacterial effect thanks to certified MGO content
We hear the gentle sound of the sea, enjoy the pure air and listen to the busy buzz of busy bees - we are in New Zealand, the place where ACTIVIST's unique Manuka Honey is produced. A honey with a special ingredient: methylglyoxal, or MGO for short. Due to the pollination of the Manuka tree by the bees of ACTIVIST, the valuable active ingredient gets into the honey. When consumed or applied externally, for example as a face mask, it has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect and ensures clear, healthy skin. A true miracle weapon for the immune system and the skin - and so delicious to boot! Convince yourself and try the high-quality Manuka honey from ACTIVIST in three exclusive varieties.
Learn more about founders, ingredients and more in our ACTIVIST Brand World.
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Perfumy i piękno to nasza pasja. Dlatego zawsze szukamy innowacyjnych perfumiarzy i ich wyjątkowych kreacji, aby zaprezentować je Państwu z pierwszej ręki. Niezależnie od tego, czy jest to lekka woda toaletowa, długotrwała woda perfumowana czy bogaty zapach oudu, każdy zapach ma swoją własną specjalność.
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