Earth tu Face

Earth tu Face

In 2010 Earth tu Face began with herbalists, a garden, and a focus on creating a purely plant-based 100% natural skincare line, free of toxins and synthetic compounds. The line has grown from the ground up, formulated with plants that heal, restore and rejuvenate skin. "We believe what is good for the earth is good for us. We bring you highly effective, safe, and ethical products directly from nature and believe in the natural world’s ability to deliver results. Knowing that everything we put on our skin absorbs into our bodies, we ethically source the finest raw natural materials the earth has to offer. With ingredients ranging from sustainably farmed Australian sandalwood to heritage rose petals from our California organic garden, we create treatments that combine essential vitamins, omega oils, and botanicals to restore skin to its optimum health and vitality."

Descubra: Earth tu Face



5 Productos
Organic Lotion With Rose
Earth tu faceOrganic Lotion With Rose53,45 €
Rosemary Lotion
Pronto de nuevo
Earth tu faceRosemary Lotion35,29 €
Honey Coconut Mask
Pronto de nuevo
Earth tu faceHoney Coconut Mask42,35 €
Face Wash
Pronto de nuevo
Earth tu faceFace Wash42,35 €
Salt Scrub
Earth tu faceSalt Scrub46,39 €

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